Safe, Comfortable & Spacious
Open Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Open MRI, provides an extraordinary look inside the human body. Unlike other techniques, MRI uses no X-rays or radiation but rather combines the naturally occurring force of a magnetic field with radio waves to produce signals that are reconstructed on a digital computer.
MRI generates highly detailed, cross-sectional images of soft-tissue structures near and around bones, blood vessels, organs, and the brain. This unique technology has given us a remarkable window to the internal structure of the body and has become an invaluable diagnostic tool replacing many more invasive surgical procedures.
Our machine provides a 360-degree panoramic viewing angle with a 160 cm wide patient aperture to provide patients with a comfortable and relaxing exam.

Open Stand-Up MRI Available at Chamblee Location
People who get nervous in small places (claustrophobic) may feel better using an open MRI machine. An open MRI machine also may be easier to use for people who are very overweight or obese. They can be accommodated with an integrated body coil. This wide-open design of this system allows a parent to lie next to their child during an exam.

An open MRI offers several advantages over traditional closed MRI systems, making it a safer and more comfortable option for patients. One significant benefit is the increased sense of openness and reduced claustrophobia that patients experience during the procedure. Unlike closed MRIs, open MRI machines have a spacious design that allows for a more comfortable and less restrictive experience. This openness helps alleviate anxiety and feelings of confinement that some individuals may experience in traditional MRI systems, making it an excellent choice for patients who struggle with claustrophobia or anxiety disorders.